Beyond Bitcoin Ep 72- Is Crypto Under Attack by US Government Agencies? If so will the US be left behind?

Beyond Bitcoin Ep 72- Is Crypto Under Attack by US Government Agencies? If so will the US be left behind?
The Beyond Bitcoin podcast featured a discussion about the possible threats of government regulations to the cryptocurrency industry in the United States. The episode explored President Biden’s Executive Order in March 2022 which aims to protect consumers, investors, and businesses, as well as to mitigate illicit finance and national security risks posed by the misuse of digital assets. The order was the beginning of a new phase in the USA, and no less than 17 departments were ordered to review and provide recommendations. In February, the SEC heightened its wave of attacks on the industry on Staking, stable coins, and now suggests it will put restrictions on Hedge Fund Investment into the industry. The guest, Lou Kerner, shared his thoughts on the matter and argued that regulators are mostly solving for themselves, and not for the United States and its economy. He expressed his belief that he does not think it matters what the regulators and governments do, as he is at the point in his life where he gets to decide how he spends his time, and he wants to think about it as much about the regulators as the regulators think about him. Lou does not believe in regulation and laws, and thinks that they do not exist. The great thing about crypto, he believes, is that it is decentralized, and if the industry continues along the path it is on, other countries like Singapore, Dubai, and Switzerland that embrace crypto and appreciate it for what it is will be massively advantaged. Although there is an opportunity for America to be left behind, the industry can easily relocate itself or reset within hours in different countries around the world and engage different nodes. It is going to be very painful for companies located in the United States, and the industry may see a period of hibernation. The podcast presented an intriguing perspective on the challenges faced by the cryptocurrency industry and the possible responses to government regulations.
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