Portal Asset Management Announces the Launch of The Horizon Index Fund

Portal Asset Management Announces the Launch of The Horizon Index Fund
The launch of Australia’s first equally-weighted cryptocurrency index fund is in response to increasing interest from sophisticated investors with no exposure to the digital asset class.
- Global cryptocurrency market capitalisation is now more than US$2.7 trillion.
- The Horizon Index Fund targets investors wanting broad cryptocurrency and digital asset sector exposure via a passively managed investment vehicle.
- Horizon provides equally weighted exposure to the top 25 cryptocurrency and digital asset tokens, excluding stablecoins.
- Monthly rebalancing offers consistent broad market exposure without overweight holdings in BTC and ETH.
- Backtested strategy performance delivered returns of 253.7% YTD.
Portal Asset Management, the sponsor of the Portal Digital Fund, a global fund of digital asset hedge funds, today unveiled the launch of the Horizon Index Fund. The fund is targeted at family offices, sophisticated and institutional investors seeking passive, broad market exposure to the digital currency space.
The Portal Digital Fund, ranked third in the global Multi-Advisor section of the BarclayHedge Alternative Investment Rankings for 2020, was also ranked by Preqin as the #1 Fund of Hedge Funds in Asia Pacific in H1 2021, and has been operating since
early 2020.
The Horizon Index Fund (the “Fund”) is a portal for investors to receive a transparent spread across the top 25 cryptocurrencies and digital assets ranked by market capitalisation – with all stablecoin currencies, intended to maintain price parity with a target asset class, such as USD, or gold – removed. Unlike many listed futures crypto indexes and thematic ETF’s, the Fund’s portfolio is rebalanced every 30 days to maintain relevance across the assets and to maintain equal weighting across its spread, representing a 4% position in each.
The top 25 cryptocurrencies are valued at over $2.4 trillion (USD), accounting for over 77% of the combined market capitalisation of the total industry. The Fund was designed as an alternative to the immense investment bias toward Bitcoin and Ethereum given their dominance in the overall market.
“Following the success of the Portal Digital Fund, which is a highly curated fund of uncorrelated, digital asset funds designed to moderate the extreme volatility of the space, investor feedback was for an offering with direct exposure with unrestricted volatility to the 25 largest cryptocurrencies and digital assets, importantly reweighted on a monthly basis to stay up to date with market movements” said Portal Asset Management CEO Deryck Graham. “The Horizon Index Fund does just that and is designed for those early adopter and innovative investors such as family offices, specialised fund managers and sophisticated investors who are used to using ETF’s for building out their Equities and Property portfolios. Knowing that digital assets are now valued at US$2.7 trillion this represents 23% of the US$11.8 trillion global Gold market cap and as such is considered by forward thinking investors as a required asset class that forms part of the alternative allocation in a balanced portfolio. Such a weighted fund sits easily in a global portfolio and allows for set-and-forget access”.
In 1976 John Bogle, founder and then CEO of The Vanguard Group Inc., created the world’s first index fund to give investors unrestrained access to the best of the equities market. It was ruthlessly disparaged by rivals as “un-American” and the fund itself was scorned as “Bogle’s folly”, yet from its relatively humble $11 million FUM, it had scaled its $100 billion landmark by 1999. Indexing has validated its value to the extent that Warren Buffett has instructed that his estate be invested primarily in index funds. Traditional Index Funds are characterised by access and safety, many an unskilled or inexperienced investor find it difficult to beat the performance of the S&P 500 Index.
“The Fund has been designed to deliver market-related volatility of 75%+ annualised.” said Portal Asset Management’s Executive Director Mark Witten. “The Fund’s primary function is the removal of the complexity, custody risk and inefficiency associated with investing in digital assets and cryptocurrencies. Backtesting the strategy performance reveals such a fund would have returned investors 253.7% YTD in 2021. The Fund aims to achieve a broad, diversified exposure to the space via a passively managed fund that has low fixed costs and no additional performance fees.”
The Horizon Index Fund is now open for accredited sophisticated and institutional investors. The Portal Digital Fund is a lower volatility open-ended fund and is also available to Australian sophisticated investors.
About Portal Asset Management
Portal Asset Management (“Portal”) is an independent boutique adviser in the digital currency space. Incorporated in Singapore, it acts as digital asset advisor to the Manager of Portal Digital Fund, a Cayman Islands registered fund-of-funds that invests in funds across the digital currency and blockchain economy. That fund was ranked 3rd in the global Multi-Advisor section of the BarclayHedge Alternative Investment Rankings for 2020. BarclaysHedge tracks 6,900 funds across 30 categories. The award is ranked on the growth performance of the Portal Digital Fund strategy which saw a 46.6% cumulative net return for the 2020 calendar year. Portal Digital Fund has further been ranked #1 Fund of Hedge Funds Asia Pacific H1 2021 by Preqin a globally respected fund data provider. For more information, please visit portal.am and follow @portalassetmanagement
This press release is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be illegal, nor shall there be any sale of any security in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of that jurisdiction. Applications for investment in the Horizon Index Fund may only be made pursuant to the offer documents for the Fund, which may be obtained from Boutique Financial Services Pty. Ltd., the Trustee of the Fund, at Suite 211, 3 Edent Street, North Sydney NSW 2060.
Press Contact Data
Gregory Gray
+61 430 388 662
Media Communications Rep.
[email protected]
Deryck Graham
+61 410 434 944
CEO of Portal Asset Management
[email protected]
Mark Witten
+61 488 743 101
Executive Director of Portal Asset Management
[email protected]
The Trustee of the Fund is Boutique Capital Pty. Ltd. (ACN 621 697 621), which holds an Australian Financial Services Licence.